January 6: Noting that
Nature Journal
January is a good month to see birds. In our feeder we put a mix of seed, wild berries and mealworms. This attracted the following birds:
- Brown Headed Nuthatch
- White Breasted Nuthatch
- Wrens
- Blue Jays
- Chickadees
- Cardinals
- Titmice
- House Finch
- Yellow Rumped Warbler
- Downy Woodpecker
- Red Bellied Woodpecker
- Pine Warbler
- Juncos
Have also seen or heard the following around the yard
- Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers calling from the trees.
- Cooper Hawk
- Red Tailed Hawk
- A male and female pair of Towhees scratching the ground under the bald cypress trees by the side of the house.
January 8: Have seen two small moths on buildings in last couple of days.
in spite of night temperatures in the low 30’s some things are thriving:
- Bok Choy is doing well
- The sage is growing fresh leaves
Cut back the herbs and made a wreath of rosemary, oregano, sage and fennel to hang on our front door.
Pulled up all the irrigation hoses in preparation for the new garden design.